Parking Lot Paving: Tuesday, July 16th Contractors will be paving the west end of the parking lot to repair damage done over the course of the Portland Water Bureau "Big Dig" Project. The parking lot paving will start at the west gate entrance/exit and will continue west ending at the turn-about parking circle.
Paving 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on July 16th.
ALL vehicles west of the gate must be moved, including those in carports.
A request has been submitted to Kimco property management to allow for overnight parking in the lot on the corner of N. Pavilion and N. Jantzen Ave.
Tree Planting
In partnership with the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, JBMI will see over 100 trees and/or shrubbery planted throughout the upland property beginning in Spring of 2024. After planting, BES will be responsible for watering and caring for the trees until 2027!
The Portland Water Bureau is currently replacing aging pipe with earthquake-resistant pipe, installing backflow prevention devices and adding a fire hydrant on N . Jantzen Ave. After construction completion, JBMI parking lot will be repaved.